The story takes place in a dystopian future in which humans and anthropomorphic animals live together. You take the role of Neil, who, after hitting an anthropomorphic snake, needs to escape before he gets caught alongside his friends.

Make your own decisions based on the situations around Neil, select the best action to survive, decide how Neil will end, and choose with who you will side at the end. Feel like you have all the control over Neil. Decide whatever you want.

Key Features:

- Discover a story set in a dystopian world in which humans and anthropomorphic live together.

- Take the role of a soldier from humanity as he tries to hide the crime he did against an anthropomorphic snake.

- Escape by choosing the correct way without getting caught.

- Travel through the story with colored fonts and UI inspired by other futuristic UIs like the ones from the Fallout series.

- Decide what you think are the correct words to say in a conversation about a bad thing you did. Respond however you want. There are no "good" or "bad" responses. Just the words that you find correct for the situation.

- Decide between five different endings to determine how will the game finish.